Additional Services
In addition to the primary surgical services we offer, there are a number of additional conditions we treat and procedures we perform for our patients at Missoula Surgical Associates.
Anal Fissure
An anal fissure is a small tear or split in the tissue lining around the anus that may occur after passing large or hard stools. The tear can be detected by bright red blood in the toilet tissue after a bowel movement. Symptoms can also include pain, itching and irritation around the anus. If these fissures do not heal on their own, surgery may be needed to reduce spasm and pain.
Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix becomes inflamed, causing pain on the right side of the abdomen that can become severe. As the organ swells, bacteria multiplies inside. If the appendix ruptures, this bacteria can spread throughout the abdominal cavity. This is a life-threatening condition that requires emergency medical treatment. An appendectomy is generally performed once appendicitis is suspected, to prevent this condition from occurring. Symptoms of appendicitis might include pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, pain that worsens with coughing or sudden movement, low-grade fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation and loss of appetite.
Perirectal Abscess
A perirectal abscess is an accumulation of pus that develops around the anus. These abscesses might become painful and interfere with normal bowel movements. Surgery may be performed to remove the abscess. The extent of the surgical procedure will depend on the size of the abscess and may or may not involve an overnight stay in a hospital.
Sebaceous Cyst
Sebaceous cysts form from the sebaceous glands, which are glands that secrete oil to keep hair and skin lubricated. If these cysts become large or bothersome, they may be drained. However, a high recurrence rate after this treatment leads some patients to seek surgical removal of the cysts.
Missoula Surgical Associates offers treatments and services at the Wound Care Clinic at Providence St. Patrick Hospital.

An appendectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the appendix. The appendix is a small, finger-shaped organ attached to the large intestine. Its primary purpose is to produce a protein known as immunoglobulin that destroys bacteria to help the body fight infection. However, the appendix is not an essential organ for this function and if it must be removed, other parts of the body take over the immunoglobulin production. The appendix may be removed if it becomes inflamed and infected, to prevent rupture and spread of the infection.
Wide Local Excision
Wide local excision with or without biopsy is a surgical procedure to remove melanoma, a type of skin cancer. This involves removing the entire area of the skin that is suspected to be cancerous and a border of healthy tissue to ensure all the cancerous tissue was removed. This procedure can be performed in the office under a local anesthetic if the area for removal is small. Melanomas that take up more surface area are performed in the operating room where patients are able to go home the same day.
This surgical procedure removes the spleen after it has been damaged by injury or illness. The procedure may also be performed in the event of diseases such as leukemia or hemolytic anemia. Splenectomies may be performed through a traditional open procedure or laparoscopically, resulting in smaller incisions and a shorter recovery period.
This procedure is performed by connecting an artery directly to a vein in the forearm. This connection allows for increased blood flow into the vein, making it larger and stronger so that repeated needle insertions for hemodialysis treatments are easier.
An arteriovenous graft is a synthetic tube that is implanted under the skin in your arm to allow for easier vascular access. The tube connects a vein and artery and serves as an artificial vein where repeated needle insertions can be made during hemodialysis.
This procedure inserts a tube or catheter into a vein in the neck, chest or leg near the groin. The catheter can then be used for access during hemodialysis treatments. Catheters are not ideal for permanent access, but they can be useful in providing temporary access for hemodialysis until a permanent access has fully developed.
To learn more about the surgical treatments and procedures available at Missoula Surgical Associates, contact our office today at 406.542.7525