Pilonidal Cyst Removal Surgery
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What causes Pilonidal Cysts?
A pilonidal cyst is an unusual pocket in the skin that usually contains hair and skin debris, but can be congenital. Pilonidal cysts usually occur when a hair punctures the skin and then becomes embedded. If a pilonidal cyst becomes infected, it can be quite painful. The cyst is almost always near the tailbone at the top of the buttocks. Because men tend to have more lower back hair than women, it is most common in young adult males, and the problem tends to recur.

How are Pilonidal Cysts treated?
If your pilonidal cysts are recurring or are infected and spreading surgery is the only true cure for the condition. After numbing the area, your doctor makes an incision and removes the cyst. After removing the cyst your doctor may leave the wound open to heal from the inside out or your doctor may elect to close the wound with stitches.
Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Aftercare
Wound care is very important after surgery. Your health care provider will show you how to change dressings and explain what to expect during the healing process. In some cases, keeping the area free of hair may prevent problems. Ask your doctor if you should remove hair. Use a coccyx cushion if sitting is uncomfortable. This type of cushion keeps pressure off your tailbone (coccyx) while sitting.